Be the Example
Friday, February 8th, 2019
We have all experienced difficult times or had to make tough decisions in our daily lives. It is how we respond to them that defines us. Our patience, our moral compass, our experiential wisdom all make up the mix. In other words, our character.
Nobody ever said life is fair or easy. It continues on in spite of where we are in life, whether in high school, college, the CEO of a successful corporation, in a relationship, or most important of all, a marriage.
Tolerance and patience are the opposites of anger. Making sound decisions or trying to resolve conflict to a successful outcome, require patience, tolerance and a modicum of wisdom. People of character know this, whether having been taught or learned from experience. Fear and intimidation never work long term either. They breed toxicity in to an environment. People of character know this as well.
Great enjoyment for me is reading motivational or inspirational quotes – here is one I truly love:
“Make each day your masterpiece.”
—Joshua Wooden, father of John Wooden
Now that one takes a bit of pondering. For me, it means each day is a gift. I can choose to waste it and go through the motions. Or I can live it with the passion of an artist putting paint to canvas, or a pianist playing a concerto that brings an audience to tears. Live each day through your heart and soul with thanksgiving.
Each day we have contact with others. Let’s make our contact with others a blessing. Mirror a great character, no matter what the circumstances.
Create a memorable day.
Stephen M. Hannamann – © 2019. All rights reserved.