Archive for June 21st, 2020
What If?
Sunday, June 21st, 2020
As a Christian have you ever wondered what if Paul had rejected Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus? Or wondered what if Paul, once fully engaged in his ministry, decided this is too hard, I am not taking this abuse any longer. Or what if Jesus Christ never bothered with Paul in the first place? Have you wondered what the Christian church would look like today? Would the Christian church be comprised of only a small percentage of the Jewish nation’s converts?
Over the past months the pastor of our small church on Whidbey Island has been presenting an eloquent series of teachings from the book of Romans. As many as 13 books of the New Testament are attributed to Paul. However, the book of Romans, in my humble opinion, so eloquently brought to life by our pastor, is the most profound of all the Pauline letters.
It’s been said many times over the Holy Bible is timeless. And the Book of Romans is startlingly poignant for our world condition today. As I sat rapt during this morning’s installment of Paul’s letter, the thought struck me of how God mightily used Paul in bringing Jesus Christ to the world. Paul laid out in pretty clear terms in his letters to the Romans, as Christians, how we should be responding in these turbulent times. Nothing going on in the world today is a surprise to God. God may be disappointed by our abuses of the free will he has given humanity, but not surprised.
Several weeks ago I wrote a call to prayer and passed it on to several close friends. I shared some strong opinions on how I believe we as a nation have arrived at this juncture in history. A funny thing happened on the way to hitting the printer key. Toward the end of the month-long research and composition, God showed how my opinion doesn’t matter when it comes to praying in His will. I am to lay down my feelings and opinions at the foot of the cross and only pray for peace and healing and leave the changing of hearts to Him. Some hearts will not be changed. The divisions within His church may not be changed. For this my heart aches. Does this mean I can’t share my opinions? Not at all! But the spirit in which I share them is important. If I see I am causing someone to sin in anger then I need to keep my opinions to myself and let God do his work.
Paul wrote and preached in very dangerous times. Christian persecution was common. People were meeting in small home churches. Paul left several towns because the danger of losing his life was ever present. But he persevered, was most effective, and the word of Jesus Christ spread. So I wonder are things that different today? No – I don’t think so. I believe we can be that light of unconditional love and forgiveness that the world so desperately needs to see from us now. Will we always be successful? No, of course not. But that doesn’t mean we should go silent. Paul was the bold example, the model for us to be the light on the pathway to eternity with God.
I don’t know if we are experiencing the labor pains of the end times or not. That is for God to know. There have been several events in the past years when it seemed like the end was near but it really doesn’t matter. I firmly believe that there is a specter of evil at work in our world. The hate and raging anger so prevalent today is not of God’s spirit. I also firmly believe that we need to stand firm and enlist God’s angels into this battle with focused prayer.
This is my second call to prayer. I said in my last call to prayer that I was excited to see how God will bring us through these times. To put me in the right mind to pray, I like to begin with praise. I often get in touch with God’s love by reading one of my favorite bits of scripture, the 139th Psalm. After reading David’s song countless times, the last two verses always get me in the right spirit:
Vs. 23: Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Vs. 24: Point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life. – NLT
I ask that we pray without agenda for our President, Governors, and Mayors, that they make wise decisions in line with God’s ultimate plan. Pray for all world leaders in the same way.
Pray for the openness and healing of hearts and for the healing of divisions and animosity in our land.
Praying in this vein has given me a peace that transcends my understanding.
May God’s peace be upon you also!
Create a memorable day.
Stephen M. Hannamann – © 6/17/2020. All rights reserved.