New Beginnings – It’s Never Too Late
Author: Stephen
Whenever a new business springs to life, three critical elements of planning are paramount – assuming thought and preparation have been duly exercised. They are:
– A goal,
– A mission statement
– A business plan.
The thought occurred to me, why should it be different for our personal life, not that our personal lives are a business. But isn’t it also important to be successful and effective in our personal lives as well as our careers?
Several years ago a dear friend asked me what I wanted to accomplish with my life. The question stopped me in my tracks. In the midst of running my own business, I hadn’t considered such a question. The question wasn’t about business success – it had a much deeper meaning. “What legacy would you like to leave,” is what my friend asked. After being haunted by the query for thirteen years, one day I sat down and wrote my personal mission statement. Throughout the following year I determined how I wanted to spend the rest of my days and penned a plan to execute my goal. Included with those documents is a journal to record my successes and setbacks. Through the process, an interesting occurrence took place. I began living my life instead of life circumstances running me. Give it a try. With our world turned upside down right now, what better time to ask the question? What better time to start? As you begin your new journey, keep this bit of wisdom in the forefront of your thoughts. Look for the opportunity in every circumstance.
Live well.
© 2009 Stephen M. Hannemann – all rights reserved