Better Today
Author: Stephen
I spend a fair amount of time reading, about 50/50 between novels for stimulation and pleasure, and books for self improvement. For me, both genres are for pleasure because I enjoy and learn from both. I am a believer in continuous personal growth.
My favorite author is Robert James Waller, most noted for The Bridges of Madison County. His writing style is nearly lyrical. His words flow like a quiet stream around moss covered rocks in a contemplative garden. For me, his books don’t come often enough. Currently, I’m rereading High Plains Tango for the second time. The story centers around a semi-reclusive young craftsman named Carlisle McMillan. I ran across a line in his story that struck a chord with me and I think should be the mantra for everyone’s life. In the paragraph, Carlisle is a lad of 12 years, and in this particular sentence the author mused Carlisle’s philosophy: “It had always seemed to him that after living another twenty-four hours, you ought to be a better person than you were when the day began.”** What a tremendous perspective to have in one’s life at a young age. Granted it’s only a story but what a great message in those few words.
Our first tendency after taking that thought to heart would be to look at a weakness in our life and try to fix it. I’m not sure that was the point. Not that if we have a bad habit we shouldn’t strive to correct it. But Carlisle wanted to become a craftsman and learn to build things that would last. He possessed an inherent aptitude, then nourished it by becoming an apprentice to a master craftsman. He wasn’t happy with his condition and took steps to change his circumstances.
Only you know what subtle or maybe not so subtle urgings are gnawing within you. Oh here comes that word again. Take action. Take some steps to follow those urgings. When we nurture those urges, we become better and some of the other noise in our lives either disappears or no longer matters. Or maybe your life is perfect and nothing you could do would make it better. If that is true in your life, revel in your good fortune and share it with someone in your life who could use a bit of encouragement. Everyone has a God given talent or gift. Share it and make everyone you come in contact with each day feel special. There is no greater joy than having a positive impact in someone’s life. Life is a grand journey and each day, as we navigate our way along, we should be a bit more fulfilled, a bit stronger – a little bit – “better today” than when we woke.
Create a memorable day…
Stephen M. Hannemann – © 2009 all rights reserved
** High Planes Tango by Robert James Waller © 2005, publisher Shaye Areheart Books.